FVRD Releases New RGS Monitoring Website

June 26, 2023

Today, the Fraser Valley Regional District (FVRD) is launching a website as part of the Regional Growth Strategy (RGS) Monitoring Program.

“The Regional Growth Strategy Monitoring website is an innovative tool to help people learn about the RGS. Having this tool will help to make the data relatable and will increase knowledge across the Region,” said Jason Lum, Chair of the FVRD Board.

The Regional Growth Strategy (RGS) is a high-level policy and planning framework used to guide and coordinate the activities of local and provincial governments in relation to long-term regional growth. The eight RGS goals cover a range of interconnected topics, including transit, housing, parks and natural areas, economic development, and environmental issues, all from a regional perspective. Monitoring and evaluating the progress and issues related to the RGS goals and policies is an important aspect of RGS implementation.

The RGS monitoring website is an introduction to RGS monitoring indicators and links visitors to monitoring reports for a more detailed analysis and evaluation of indicator objectives. Visitors can explore interactive maps and embedded dashboards to further their understanding of the region, the Regional District, and the distinct communities that make up this unique and special region.

Visit fvrd.ca/rgsmonitoring to learn more about the monitoring program and explore a range of content, interactive maps, and embedded dashboards associated with the program’s thirty-five monitoring indicators.