Critical Incident Stress Management

The Upper Fraser Valley Critical Incident Stress Management (UFVCISM) team is a confidential service for firefighters who have experienced a critical incident in their workplace.

Traumatic injury occurs when events that firefighters and dispatchers experience which are outside the range of normal human experiences that can be distressing to anyone. This will have the potential to interfere and interrupt one's ability to function at the time of an event or even later.

This volunteer-driven program is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week and offers firefighters the opportunity to process their experiences and responses following an incident. In some situations, UFVCISM will refer employees to qualified mental health professionals to provide the appropriate intervention, or to other external resources such as WorkSafe BC or employee assistance programs.

By acknowledging and making contact via Peer to Peer support, it is hoped that the UFVCISM team will help to reduce trauma injury and stress reactions.

For more information, contact us today.